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Monday 24 July 2017

Nutritious Diet For Pregnancy - Groundnut Tikkis

July 24, 2017 0

Figuring out an ideal pregnancy diet plan could at times end up being challenging. Now this is one recipe you absolutely must give a try! Go for Groundnut tikkis. Now did you know that groundnuts happen to be among healthy foods to eat when pregnant, mainly owing to their protein and folate content?

Folate and folic acid are essential especially while pregnancy, so as to make sure that the baby is able to avoid all defects, especially those related with the brain or spine.

Nutritious Recipes for PREGNANCY


Preparation Time 15 minutes

Cooking Time 10 minutes

Makes 10 tikkis


1/2 cup roasted groundnuts (peanuts), coarsely ground

1/2 cup besan (bengal gram flour)

1/3 cup whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta)

1/2 cup chopped spinach (palak)

3 green chillies, finely chopped

Juice of 1 lemon and 1 tbsp warm oil

Salt to taste

Other ingredients

2 1/2 tsp oil for cooking

The next recipe in nutritious recipes for Pregnancy is Groundnut Tikkis (cutlet).

I know you all love cutlets, so do I.

Let's check out the ingredients.

Groundnuts, these should be roasted and coarsely grounded.

The second ingredient is half a cup of Bengal gram flour.

Then we have half cup of whole wheat flour and half cup of chopped spinach.

3 to 4 chopped green chillies.

Bit of lemon juice, salt to taste. And oil.

First, take a nice, clean bowl.

Mix in all the ingredients. Bengal gram flour, whole wheat flour which is called 'Atta', chopped spinach, green chillies, juice of 1 lemon, bit of salt according to your taste.

We have to make soft and smooth dough out of it. So we'll add in a little water.

Once the dough is ready, add in some oil.

Then we can knead the dough again.

When the dough is ready, it would look smooth and glossy.

Now we will make cutlets out of it.

Make balls out of it. Roll it and flatten it.

Now we will fry these cutlets one by one, while the golden brown color doesn't appear.

Let's take some oil in a pan. Spread it evenly.

When it heats up, put in the cutlets, one by one.

Fry it till it turns golden brown from both sides.

Our cutlets are almost done.

Switch off the gas.

Now we can take the tikkis one by one on a plate which has a tissue paper placed on top of it.

Tissue paper will absorb the excess oil if any.

The groundnut tikkis are now ready.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Eating Fast Food

July 24, 2017 0

In this busy world where people are struggling to maintain a good balance between personal and professional due to shortage of time, ready to eat meals serve as a boon. This is the reason people mostly prefer eating fats foods as it saves time and also the foods are scrumptious. You can visit the best restaurant in India that serves quality fast foods.

Though fast foods have made our lives easier, there are both advantages and disadvantages which you need to be familiar with.

The advantages:

* Saves time 

This is a standout amongst the most imperative motivations to why individuals lean toward eating fast food. You don't have to invest hours in the kitchen or sit tight for your request. The nourishment is served rapidly for you to appreciate it. You can spare a decent measure of time when contrasted with eating in some traditional restaurant. Most of the fast food lovers love trying fast food in Bangalore as it is the hub and if you too are one of them you too should try some best fast food restaurants there.

* Saves cash 

Unlike eating in some conventional eateries, eating fast food can help you spare a decent measure of cash as it is accessible at much lower costs. It is favoured by everybody and suits the financial plan, independent of whether your financial plan is high or low.

* Healthy choices are available 

In spite of the fact that most of the fast food options are high in fats and calories, practically every fast food restaurant additionally offers you some healthy choices. As there is a rise in population who are more health conscious, the interest for healthy food is expanding thus the restaurant in India offer different healthy choices.

The disadvantages

* More stuffing 

Fast food contains high fat and oily substance, on the off chance that we talk truly. Notwithstanding, as specified above, many fast food eateries offer some healthy options too.

* Lower quality food 

Contrasted with some conventional eateries where the cleanliness and quality are kept up, fast food eatery frequently offer low quality foods. This is on the grounds that because of popularity, the preparation is in huge scale. Yet, the good thing is that numerous eateries that serve fast food in Bangalore or other enormous urban cities work to enhance their quality.

Despite the fact that you know the disadvantages, fast food is something you can't miss on. Likewise, a number of fats food restaurants are working to minimise the disadvantages.

How to Aid Digestion Naturally

July 24, 2017 0

Digestion is the way your body breaks down food particles to be absorbed into the blood stream. Unfortunately, there are a number of things which disturb the digestive process, resulting in complications such as excess gas, bloating, nausea, constipation and diarrhea. If you would like to minimize these unpleasant symptoms and improve your digestive health, you can easily do so by making a few minor changes to your diet and lifestyle. Consider these suggestions to help aid digestion naturally.

Improving Your Diet

Increase your fiber intake. Fiber is your best friend when it comes to digestion. It increases the size and softness of your stool, making it easier to pass and preventing constipation.
Fiber also regulates blood sugar levels by slowing down digestion and allowing glucose from food to enter your blood stream at a slower rate.
Increase your fiber intake by eating high fiber foods such as oatmeal and bran cereal, legumes such as lentils, black beans and pinto beans, and nuts such as peanuts, walnuts and pecans. High fiber fruits like berries, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, pears and apples (with the skins on) are also good choices.
Alternatively (or additionally) you can take a daily fiber supplement to help with digestion.

Avoid fatty foods. Your digestion system finds fatty foods difficult to process, which slows the entire digestive process down. Speed things up by reducing fat in your diet.
Choose leaner meats such as chicken and turkey as a source of protein. If you're eating beef or pork, go for the leaner cuts of meat.
Switch from full fat dairy products to low-fat or non-fat versions of milk, cheese and yogurt. Swap butter and margarine for olive oil when cooking.
Avoid eating fried, processed and frozen foods which tend to be high in fat.

Eat probiotics. Probiotics are a kind of good bacteria, similar to the microorganisms found naturally in the human body, which help to keep the intestines healthy and the bowels moving.
Simply by introducing more probiotic foods into your system you can prevent excess gas, diarrhea and other digestive problems.
Probiotic-rich foods include yogurt, miso soup, sauerkraut, soft cheeses, kefir, sourdough bread.
Try taking a probiotic supplement if you are finding it hard to get probiotics through your diet. These supplements are available in capsule, powder and liquid form at pharmacies and health food stores.
However, you should talk to your doctor before taking these supplements, as they can be unhealthy for people with certain preexisting health conditions.

Avoid sodium, starches and artificial sweeteners. If you regularly suffer from a swollen, bloated stomach, you should cut foods containing high quantities of sodium starch and artificial sweeteners from your diet, as these may be the culprits.
You should also avoid overeating at mealtimes, as this also increases the chances of bloating.
Bloating occurs when gas particles formed by bacteria in the intestinal tract travel back into the stomach, causing it swell like a balloon.
Bloating can also be a symptom of more serious underlying conditions, such as diverticulitis, bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine and ovarian cancer, so if you make the changes suggested above but still suffer from bloating, you should consult your doctor.

Reduce gas. Producing too much gas is a common problem that can cause awkwardness and embarrassment for a lot of people. Luckily, there are several things you can do to control your body's gas production.
Avoid foods which contribute to gas production. Examples of such foods include most varieties of beans as well as vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower.
Avoid carbonated drinks. Sodas and other carbonated drinks contain a lot of air, which increases the amount of gas your body produces.
Eat more slowly. When you eat too quickly, you tend to swallow more air, which contributes to gas production.

Remove any known or suspected allergens from your diet. Eating foods that you have an unknown allergy or sensitivity to is one of the main culprits behind digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and pain. Simply by cutting certain key items out of your diet, you can easily eliminate many digestive concerns.
Dairy products, strawberries, nuts, chicken, eggs and gluten-products are common allergens to which many people react badly, even though they may not realize it.
If you suspect you might be sensitive to something, completely remove it from your diet for several days to see if you feel a difference in your digestion. Do this with one food at a time so you can pinpoint the problem. Reintroduce the food after a few days and take notes on how your body reacts.
If you cannot pinpoint the exact food that is causing digestive problems, contact your doctor about performing a food allergy test.

Making Simple Behavioral Changes

Drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses per day. Water helps your body break down bulk and flush out toxins that can interfere with natural digestion. It also makes your stool softer and easier to pass.
Carry a water bottle around with you throughout the day. This will help you remember to drink more and give you something to do when you're bored. Drink extra water after exercising, as you lose a lot of fluid through sweat.
You will know that your body is adequately hydrated when your urine remains clear throughout the day. The more dehydrated you are, the yellower your urine will be.
Choose fruits and vegetables that have high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges.

Get regular exercise. Regular exercise can assist in benefit digestion.
Exercise speeds up digestion by increasing blood flow to your organs and stimulating the muscles in the intestines, helping them to process waste more quickly.
Try cardio exercises such as walking, swimming and jogging, which get the entire body moving. Also, try to make small changes such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Go to the bathroom promptly. When you feel the first urge to move your bowels, go to the bathroom. If you delay, water will be reabsorbed in your colon, and the stool will become harder and more difficult to pass.

Lose a few pounds. Excess weight can put pressure on the abdominal area and cause a condition whereby the valve between the stomach and the esophagus fails to close properly, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn.
Relieve the pressure caused by any extra pounds by losing some weight. You can do this safely and effectively through a combination of healthy diet and exercise.
Some other handy weight loss tips include controlling portion sizes by eating from smaller plates, drinking a glass of water before meals to fill yourself up, and eating your last meal at least four hours before bed.

Slow down when you eat. Eating on the go or taking large, hurried bites can cause you to swallow a lot of air. This air turns into gas in your body and may cause severe cramping and discomfort. Eating too fast also causes you to overeat, which puts more pressure on the digestive system, slowing down the process.
Chew each bite of food at least 20 times before your swallow - this gives your stomach time to prepare for the food it is about to receive and your brain time to register that you're full.
Avoid eating while watching TV, checking your Facebook, or reading a magazine or newspaper, as you tend to eat more when you're distracted. Eat dinner at the table, and focus on each bite you put into your mouth.

Try a short belly massage. Press firmly and slowly with your fingers at a 3–5 centimeter (1.2–2.0 in) radius all around your belly button, in a clockwise motion. For best results, do for 2 to 5 minutes. When practiced after meals or at least once a day — in the evening before going to bed — this simple technique quickly helps your digestion.

Take a break from bad habits. Try a few days with no sugary snacks, processed foods, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. This will give your digestive tract a chance to regain its natural balance.
After this break, you may want to try a natural detoxifying program for digestive health. These can be found in many health food stores and nutrition centers. Read all directions fully, and follow the program exactly to avoid compounding your digestive problems.

Apply a warm water bottle on your belly after meals. This simple trick may also improve digestion by helping the muscles of the stomach and intestines to relax.

Check the labels on all prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs. If any of your medications list gas, bloating, nausea, or other digestive stress as side effects, it may be a good idea to take a break, or ask your doctor about switching to an alternative option.

Using Herbal Remedies

Try licorice. Licorice is an herbal supplement which can be used to ease stomach cramps and relieve symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux.
Licorice can be taken in capsule form, or the root can be boiled in water to make a tea.
The safest form of licorice to take is DGL - a specific licorice extract that doesn't have the negative sides effects of regular licorice, such as high blood pressure.

Take peppermint oil. In small doses, peppermint oil is reputed to relieve stomach pain and bloating. Take peppermint oil in capsule form, or chew on peppermint leaves for a gentler alternative.

Drink chamomile tea. Chamomile tea, in addition to its calming and sleep-inducing properties, is believed to be beneficial for digestive issues such as nausea, colic, and stomach pain.
Chamomile tea can also help to relieve muscle cramps or spasms.
Try drinking a single cup of homemade or store-bought chamomile tea once a day.

Drink Aloe Vera juice. Aloe Vera has unique enzymes that naturally aid digestion and also contains Vitamin C and amino acids that may increase blood flow to your digestive tract.

Use ginger. Ginger is a tradition Chinese herbal remedy for stomach aches and pains. It also works to alleviate nausea.
Consume ginger by making a tea from the fresh root, snacking on candied ginger, or taking supplements, which can be found in capsules, powders, and even beverages.
For safety reasons, it is best to consume no more than 1 to 3 grams of ginger per day.

Prunes aid in digestion, but can cause diarrhea.
Organs that compose the digestive tract include the mouth, esophagus, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas and the large and small intestines.
Try squatting in the bathroom instead of sitting down - this is believed to be a more natural and efficient way of eliminating waste. Specialized bathroom furniture is available to help you achieve the squatting position.
Peppermint tea is also helpful.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

How Fiber Helps You Fight Fat, Lose Weigh

July 18, 2017 0


It is often claimed that eating plenty of fiber can help with weight loss.This is true, but it’s important to keep in mind that not all fiber is created equal. It seems to be mostly the soluble and viscous fibers that have an effect on your weight.

One review study found that an additional 14 grams of fiber per day were linked to a 10% decrease in calorie intake and weight loss of 2 kg (4.5 lbs) over 4 months.
In one 5-year study, eating 10 grams of soluble fiber per day was linked to a 3.7% reduction in the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity, but it had no effect on the amount of fat under the skin.

Fat isn’t the easiest nutrient to digest, so it sticks around in the digestive system for more time than many other nutrients. MUFAs may also help stabilize blood sugar levels, according to Mayo Clinic. That means you feel full longer, and you won’t feel the stomach-growling urge to raid the refrigerator after mealtime.

In fact, diets with high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of PUFA that the body can only acquire through food, create a greater sense of fullness both immediately following and two hours after dinner than do meals with low levels of the fatty acids, according to a 2008 study from University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain. It’s no surprise that dieters who consume moderate levels of fat are more likely to stick with their eating plans than dieters who consume low levels of fat.

The result? More weight lost.

Complete information about asthma

July 18, 2017 0

You will be all familiar with asthma (asthma), nowadays due to the changing atmospheric pollution, due to the lack of eating habits and purity due to asthma which are also called as asthma in common language, the cases of increase in the number of patients are coming in constant light. When a person develops a disease in the microscopic tubes, then the person starts having problems breathing, which causes him to cough. This condition is called asthma.

Asthma is a serious disease that affects the airway ducts. The airways inhale the air through the lungs. On asthma, these tubules have swelling in the inner wall. This inflammation makes the ducts very sensitive and makes a strong reaction with the touch of any restless thing. When the ducts react, they contract with them and in that situation the low amount of air in the lungs goes away. It causes symptoms such as cough, nose, chest tightness, trouble breathing in the night and in the morning.

Asthma is the rejection of the physical system (allergy) to one or more substances (allergens). This means that our body system does not tolerate those special substances and as opposed to their reaction or opposition, it is called allergy.

When our respiratory system reveals allergy to any of the allergens, it is asthma. This is most excruciating among the respiratory diseases. Asthma sufferers often get frequent visits to breathe or to relieve breathlessness, and during those visits, they often become completely normal too.

"There is no permanent cure for asthma but it can be controlled, so that a person suffering from asthma can lead a normal life. Asthma is in control only, till the patient is taking necessary precautions."

Symptoms of Asthma Disease: -
The symptoms of this disease vary according to the person. There are many symptoms of asthma which are symptoms of other respiratory diseases. It is important to identify these symptoms as symptoms of asthma attack. In patients with severe asthma, a patient has to put a lot of emphasis on breathing and exhaling. When the lung tubes (muscles) of the lungs (which flutter the air) in the body of the human body produce acidity constricted in the small fibers (muscles), then the lungs do not digest the entire dose of air (breathing) inside. Due to which the patient has to be forced to leave the breathing without taking full breathing. This condition is called asthma or breathing disease. When the condition of asthma gets worse then the patient suffers from breathing because he gets breathing through the air while inhaling (breathing in) breathing and breathing (inhalation) Leaving out of breath) are for a long time. A person who suffers from asthma disease may also hear the sound of a slight whistling while breathing.

When the disease of the patient suffering from asthma gets very high, then the condition of the arrival of the patient arises, so that the patient gets very much trouble breathing and the person starts fluttering. When the attack is more active, the patient's face becomes blue due to lack of oxygen in the body. This disease can happen to both men and women. When a patient suffering from asthma attacks has a stroke, it is a dry cough and a scaly cough occurs. No matter how many patients suffering from this disease try to get rid of mucus, yet mucus does not come out. All asthma patients experience more difficulty at night, especially sleeping.

Some of its main symptoms are as follows ....
In patients with asthma, cough, rash, and breathlessness start to fall in the initial times of the disease.
Patients suffering from asthma can, however, go on tour anytime, but during the night, after 2 o'clock, the tour is more.
The patient suffers from asthma, the cough gets tough, stinky and corded.

Patients with asthma suffer from severe difficulty in breathing.
When breathing, the patient's face becomes red after more emphasis.
Continuous sneezing usually starts suddenly, it comes in installments, the night or the morning is very fast

Taking cold spots or exercises or in hot summer is hot
Use of medicines is okay, because the tubes open
Cough with or without cough

Breathlessness, which is faster with exercise or any activity
Stretch inside body (stretch of skin near the spine with breathing)
Investigation for asthma

Because of the increase in policing in cities, the number of asthma patients is increasing every day. Asthma or asthma is a serious illness that affects the respiratory ducts. On asthma, swelling on the inner wall of the respiratory ducts becomes swollen. In this situation there is difficulty in breathing and the amount of air in the lungs is reduced. It causes cough, nose rises, chest tightening, trouble in breathing in the night and in the morning, etc., problems begin.

When asthma attacks fall, the respiratory canals are completely closed, so that the importance of the body is stopped supply of oxygen in the whole organs. Asthma is a serious disease and its attack can occur until the person's death.

This is a common type of test that can occur in any medical clinic. This test can be used to identify the problem of breathing or cardiovascular disease. This investigation reveals the speed of breathing of a man.
Peak Flow Address by This Check

Tips for Personal Health and Hygiene

July 18, 2017 0
The information presented in this guide may be suitable to supplement your doctor-prescribed daily routines. Please consult your doctor/physician first to get their advice if this guide is suitable for you to follow.
The helpful tips in this guide could serve you well if you are able to practice it on a regular basis.So take some time to understand each of them first to determine if they are suitable for you. When it comes to health, we should all take it seriously. And being healthy is and always has been about a lifestyle change. Like everything else, Health is something that we all have to strive and work for it. "There is no free lunch" comes to mind and is even more so when it comes to achieving our health golds. And trust me... there are also no short-cuts. So stay positive, and remember that your health and happiness will bring joy to people who are around you and who care for your well-being.
Thank you for your time in reading through this PREFACE.
Have a great day ahead!
We should not drink more than 3-4 units of alcohol per day for men. For women, this should be no more than 2-3 units. One alcohol unit roughly means 10ml of pure alcohol in an alcohol beverage. As a general guideline, for Ciders and Beer, no more than 2-3units. For Wine, no more than 2 units. For Spirits, no more than 1 unit, and for wine coolers, no more than 1.5 units. (Note that these are general guidelines)
How to wash hand with liquid soap properly.
Abstracted from Victoria state government Australia.
A lot of diseases are spread from contaminated hands. Clean hand save lives.
Pick up the courage to take the first step. Quit smoking today!
Wish to quit smoking but having difficulty doing so? Here are some tips for you to consider trying;
1) Identify and avoid situation which will trigger you to smoke. Have a plan to avoid or get through without smoking. E.g., avoid using the stairways if you always smoke there.
2) Delay your craving for tobacco by telling yourself to wait further few minutes first, do something to distract yourself for that period of time.
3) Chew something to fight craving like chewing gum, lozenges, nuts, raw vegetables.
4) Do more physical activities to distract yourself; exercise, do chores, sports games.
5) Practice relaxation techniques instead of smoking when stress.
6) Get support from family, friends, support groups, reminding you the benefits of smoking cessation.
An average adult need around 7-9 hours of sleep. Sleep increases your ability to focus and remember new information, improves your mood & lower your stress. It helps to maintain healthy weight and improves your performance & coordination. Establish a consistent sleep & wake schedule today!
Have you done your annual medical check up yet? Early detection can save your live.
Exercise helps to boost your immune system, control your weight. It improves your mood, increase your energy. It reduces stress, makes you feel more confident and positive. It sharpens your mind, enables you to sleep better. If you prefer exercising at the gym, make sure you clock in some time doing aerobic exercises for at least 20-30 minutes a day (minimum 3 times a week is recommended).
When the Holiday season arrives, and so does flu. Here is some tips to prevent flu beside drinking lots of fluid everyday You can also take food like mushroom, sweet potatoes, garlic, wild salmon, dark chocolate, almond, strawberries to boost your immune system against flu viruses.
Good sleep quality ensures better health, mood and performance. Here are some ways to help falling asleep easier;
Exercise during the day. Avoid caffeine and alcohol at night.
Have a light dinner 2-4 hours before bed. Switch off TV and computer in your bedroom. Keep your room temperature cool (around 21 degree Celsius), have a warm bath prior as well. Using lavender essence in bath oils and soaps can be helpful towards getting a good nights rest. After the bath, try to dim your bedroom lights (or turn off all your lights if you prefer) before you go to bed. For certain people, playing some soft soothing music may help while other folks will prefer a quiet sleeping.environment.
Drinking a good quality(authentic) chamomile tea can also help you sleep better. Avoid sugary and caffeinated drinks before bedtime - example coffee and certain types of caffeinated tea.
There will tend to be feasts after feasts. Here are some tips how to enjoy your feast gathering without overeating:
Do not skip meals/fast before the feast. Take only healthy snacks like raw vegetables, nuts, and fruits if you are a little hungry.
Eat food less in salt, oil, refined sugar, processed.
Start your meal by taking food low in calories then to higher later. e.g; start with soup, salad, lean protein, you will be quite full by dessert when you can feel satisfied just with a few bites (3).
Take one serving only, decline second helpings politely but firmly.
Avoid alcohol, try sparkling water instead. Cut down on smoking
Remember to continue your exercise regime during this festive season as well.
Lastly, try to enjoy the social gathering and not focus on the food instead. This season is about getting together, sharing joy and happiness after all.
Feeling groggy in the morning?
Here's a few suggestions how to feel fresh in the morning;
Drink a glass or two of water when you wake up.
Do some stretching or cardio exercises.
Try Meditation or deep breathing exercise.
Cook breakfast not heavily loaded with carbohydrates (try fruits especially citrus, simple proteins like eggs, cheese, yogurt)
Listen to your favorite music or soothing sounds
Take a warm shower, but wash your face with cool water instead.
Think of something to make you feel excited about.
Feel grateful for another new day
A good proper breakfast (whole grain, lean protein, vegetables, fruits, dairy) is very important for your health.
A good breakfast helps to kickstart your day, increasing your metabolism.
It makes to feel for fresh and less grouchy, elevating your mood.
A healthy breakfast helps you to focus and concentrate better, enabling you to think and solve problems easier.
A healthy breakfast also helps in reducing cravings and making unhealthy food choices. It helps in controlling your weight.
Keep your body clean at all times is a basic social etiquette that everyone should follow - if you have been outdoors and have perspired, do dry yourself and if possible, take a shower. Sweat contains body salts and oils and this can cause body odors to develop. Bacteria on the skin surface can also cause body odors to occur. Armpits and other areas of the body are perfect places where bacteria love to multiply and moisture helps them do so. So try to keep your those areas dry and this will reduce your chanced of developing bad body odors.
  • Keep squeaky clean
  • Use anti-bacterial soap when taking a bath
  • Towel dry yourself thoroughly
  • Apply good deodorants and antiperspirants
  • Keep your wardrobe clean
  • Avoid strong smelling foods and drinks

7 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Skin

July 18, 2017 0

Own your skin

You probably don't realize it, but your skin is constantly reinventing itself: The outer layer regenerates every month. Your body's biggest organ needs to stay in tip-top shape because it has important jobs to do—like shielding you from pathogens, the elements, and everyday bumps and falls. You can help by giving your skin the TLC it deserves. That means eating the right nutrients, slathering on sunscreen, and checking for suspicious spots, says Jessica Wu, MD, professor of dermatology at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine. Bonus: Those same healthy habits will keep your skin soft, smooth and gorgeous, too.

Layer by layer

In order to understand how to keep your skin healthy, it helps to know these important terms:
The epidermis makes new skin and the pigment melanin. It also contains Langerhans cells, which help regulate your immune system.
The dermis holds the subepidermal structures of the skin in place.
Subcutaneous fat cushions and protects your body and helps you stay warm.
Sebaceous glands produce an oily substance to keep your skin smooth and soft.
Blood vessels remove waste (like CO2) and ferry nutrients through the layers of the skin.
Hair follicles attach to tiny muscles that cause your hair to stand up (giving you goose bumps) and trap heat when you're cold.
Sweat glands secrete perspiration to moisten the surface of the skin and cool you down.
Nerves send signals to your brain, so you know how something feels and react to it (e.g., you pull your hand back from a hot pot).