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Thursday 13 July 2017

How to Remove Acne Overnight With Ice

One of the primary causes of acne is having pores in the skin that either become clogged, or become so large that dirt and bacteria enter the pore.[1] For this reason, many acne treatments work by scrubbing away dead skin cells and healing damaged pores. One way to quickly help your pores is by applying ice, which slows down blood flow and reduces inflammation by tightening up the skin.[2] Learning how to use ice therapy in conjunction with other acne products can help you quickly and easily heal an acne outbreak.

Using Ice to Treat Acne

Make an ice pack. Rather than applying ice directly to your face, it's best to make an ice wrap or an ice pack.[3] If you don't have an existing ice pack, you can easily make one at home.
Grab as many ice cubes as you'll need to treat the outbreak area.
Wrap the ice in a thin, clean towel.[4] If you don't have a towel, you can use a ziplock bag to hold the ice.
Do not apply ice directly to skin, as this can cause capillaries in your skin to break.

Apply the ice pack. Once you've wrapped the ice cubes in a towel or sandwich bag, apply the ice pack to your face.
Rub pimples and acne scars with the ice pack for 10 to 15 minutes.
Do not apply ice for longer than 20 minutes, as this can cause damage to your skin.

Make ice part of your skin regimen. You can use the ice method twice each day
Aim to use it first thing in the morning when your skin is puffy, and again at night before you go to sleep.

Understanding Acne

Know the causes of acne. Acne affects between 70 and 87 percent of teenagers, and many adults There are four main causes of acne:
excessive oil production in the skin
dead skin cell accumulation
clogged skin pores
dirt and bacteria entering enlarged pores

2- Learn how acne medication works. Because most cases of acne involve the pores in your skin, acne medications typically work in one of three ways:
exfoliating your skin (removing dead skin cells)
killing bacteria
unclogging pores

3- Understand why ice works. Ice is helpful with managing current acne outbreaks and with preventing future outbreaks from occurring.
Ice helps relieve swelling in the skin where acne persists. It can also reduce the redness associated with active pimples and old acne scars.[18]
Ice shrinks the size of your skin pores, which can help prevent future acne outbreaks by reducing the chances of your pores getting clogged or infected.[19]
Ice can be used for both short-term acne remedies and longer-term acne treatments.

Building a Comprehensive Acne Regimen

Use over-the-counter treatments. There are many over-the-counter acne creams, washes, and lotions, which all typically clean out pores by removing oil and dead skin.[21] The most common over-the-counter acne product ingredients include:
Benzoyl peroxide - this compound kills bacteria, removes some excess oil, and sloughs off dead skin cells, effectively protecting open pores from dirt and bacterial infections.[22]
Salicylic acid - this mild acid helps protect pores from becoming clogged.
Alpha hydroxy acids - these compounds, which typically include glycolic acid and lactic acid, help exfoliate the skin by removing dead skin cells and stimulating new skin growth.[24]
Sulphur - this chemical element helps exfoliate the skin and remove some excess oil from the skin.

Apply topical prescription treatments. Over-the-counter treatments are often effective in treating mild to moderate cases of acne. In more serious cases of acne, your doctor or dermatologist may recommend a prescription-strength acne medication. The most common topical acne prescriptions include:
Retinoids - this class of chemical compounds are derived from vitamin A, which helps promote new skin growth.[26] Retinoid-based medications are typically used in the evening, and may be applied three times weekly, working up to daily use, depending on the severity of acne symptoms.
Antibiotics - antibiotics work to kill bacteria that persists on skin and in pores, and may reduce redness and inflammation associated with acne.[28] The frequency of antibiotic use will depend on the severity of your acne. Follow your doctor's instructions when it comes to using antibiotics.
Dapsone (Aczone) - this gel kills bacteria on the skin and helps keep pores clean. Dapsone is typically applied twice daily in adults, and is not recommended for children. Your doctor or dermatologist may give you different dosage instructions, and you should follow any instructions from your doctor.

Try acne therapy. In cases of severe acne where prescription medications are not effective, some dermatologists may recommend more aggressive therapy treatments. Some of these therapy treatments are also used to treat acne scars.[31] Common therapy methods include:
Light therapy - this method involves using light from various parts of the spectrum to kill bacteria that can cause acne flareups. Blue-light therapy can be performed at home without a doctor's supervision, while other types of light therapy require a doctor to administer the therapy.[32]
Chemical peel - this method involves the application of a chemical solution to aggressively treat acne. Salicylic acid is a common chemical used in chemical peel procedures.[33]
Extraction of whiteheads/blackheads - in this invasive method of treatment, a dermatologist uses specialized tools to surgically remove whiteheads and blackheads that have not responded to other topical treatments.[34] Extraction methods should only be performed by a dermatologist in a controlled medical environment.
Steroid injections - this method involves treating acne lesions by directly injecting a prescription-strength steroid into the lesion.


Use ice treatments twice daily, and don't apply ice for longer than 20 minutes at a time.
Over-the-counter acne treatments can take up to three months of daily use before significant results are achieved. Don't be discouraged if you don't see immediate results from an over-the-counter treatment.
For best results, use ice therapy as part of a comprehensive acne and skin care regimen.
Do not pop pimples, for this could lead to more acne.

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